Kockumation would like to inform any existing and potential new customers about the advanced trim optimization tool FUELSAVER, which has been developed and tested in practice for many years. Installing FUELSAVER is a cost-effective and quick way to improve your vessel’s fuel efficiency and EEXI (Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index).

Why integration in the loading computer?
A vital benefit of integrating trim optimization software into the loading computer, is that the optimization will include all possible draughts by increasing or decreasing the amount of ballast. At the same time, it will only suggest conditions which fulfil all applicable stability criteria.
If the trim optimization software is decoupled from stability calculations, the full range of possible conditions would not be explored. Many vessels sail with too much ballast which may heavily increase fuel consumption, so it is very beneficial to explore shifting of existing ballast water in the trim optimization. Another benefit is that FUELSAVER will not suggest any condition which does not comply with the applicable stability requirements for the vessel.

Input data for FuelSaver
The required input data to produce FuelSaver are approximately 125 power consumption values, for example with 5x5x5 combinations of speed/draft/trim for the vessel.
This data is normally obtained from tank towing tests or CFD (computational fluid dynamics) calculations. The power consumption data can be used for all hull-identical sisters in a series of vessels. Kockumation cooperates with the trusted CFD simulation provider CLOUD TOWING TANK.
For commercial and technical inquiries, please contact us at sales@kockumation.com