The SOLAS regulation, Safe Return To Port, is the most vigorous rule applicable to a loading computer and its main purpose is to improve passenger safety.
In the event of a flooding casualty the loading computer will provide the Master with operational information and reduce the probability for evacuation.
The Kockumation loading computer, Loadmaster X5 type 4, will directly calculate the stability of the damaged vessel from a full three dimensional geometric model.
With this information the Master can take decisions for optimal corrective actions.

SRtP regulation APPLICABLE TO:
• Passenger ships (i.e. ships required to be issued with a PSSC Certificate) with length of 120m or more OR having three of more vertical fire zones.
PSSC Certificate is needed for vessels carrying more than 12 passengers and sailing in international waters.
• Special purpose ships (SPS notation) intended to carry more than 240 persons in total.
• Ropax – Same applicability as Passenger ships.
Passenger ships constructed before 1 January 2014 shall comply with above not later than the first renewal survey after 1 January 2025.
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